- Paperless Solution in Art Center -
How the E-ink paper is utilized in the Art Museum, so as to help the Museum switch to the paperless solution.
Exhibits Description
Exhibit image as well as description displayed on the screen. Place it just on the side of the exhibit, ePaper Display can bring the visitor a eco-friendly feeling. Connects people closer to the objects, as well as the theme of the Exhibition.
Notice Board on the side
to “Please keep your phone in silent mode”
这里是一张7.5 Display显示演出Agenda的画面
Events Agenda
Theater patron info displays at our theater entrances. Theater logo followed by messages such as \”Tonight\’s performance contains loud bangs and bright flashing lights\”, \”No photography allowed\” and so on. Messages stay static for days to weeks, and while we could, I guess, drive them via a calendar, I\’m wondering if there is a way to simply send a fixed message to them manually from time to time.